This is an official warning from the King:

Citizens of Innhau, the King is with you in these dire times. The rain and wind affecting the eastern seaboard of Australia is also affecting the Kingdom. I urge all residents to stay inside unless necessary. Keep checking and look at the Terrey Hills radar. With you in these dire times,
HRH Chief Justice King Marcus I V.D. (2012)
Yesterday, 6 members of the Kingdom of Innhau, left, to create a new micronation to oppose mine. Therefore, all these traitors shall be denied entry to the Kingdom of Innhau.
King Marcus
A couple of days ago, I decided the 3 judges in the Hogh Court of Innhau. As listed in the constitution (work in progress) the King and the PM are 2 of the judges, with the King being Chief Justice. The King than selects the last judge. So the three judges are:
HRH Chief Justice, King Marcus I of Innhau, V.D. (2012)
The Honourable Justice Josh Turner, V.D. (2012)
Justice Sam Lane, V.D. (2012)
Us officials have decided that today, the Royal United Kingdom of New Delania will become, the Kingdom of Innhau. It comes from the German words of Inside the House (Im Inneren des Hauses).
His Majesty, King Marcus I
of Innhau
We have made a new flag, and here it is!

Today, we have decided to change our flag. Keep reading soon for more updates.